Saturday, April 4, 2015

He Started With Twelve

Mark 3:13-19 - Afterwards he went up into the hills and summoned certain ones he chose, inviting them to come and join him there; and they did. Then he selected twelve of them to be his regular companions and to go out to preach and to cast out demons. These are the names of the twelve he chose: Simon (he renamed him “Peter”), James and John (the sons of Zebedee, but Jesus called them “Sons of Thunder”), Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James (the son of Alphaeus), Thaddaeus, Simon (a member of a political party advocating violent overthrow of the Roman government), Judas Iscariot (who later betrayed him).


As Jesus traveled from place to place he noticed the hearts of 12 men who would obey Him and be His closest students. He taught them everything His father had revealed to Him that they could use to heal to preach and to cast out the demons that were numerous in that day. 


The twelve men were as different as night and day…simple fisherman…to hated tax collector…to educated doctor.  He chose twelve…perhaps a number that represented the twelve existing tribes of Jews….to provide continuity …or transition the people God chose to the opening of His love to all people.  Perhaps that is all the men Jesus could find that He knew would follow Him to the end.


The men He chose are just like us today.  They were not chosen for their great faith…for their great gift of preaching…or for any other talent.  He chose them because of the willingness to follow their heart …and obey the one they perceived to be the Messiah.  Jesus filled them with scripture…and insights to His father.   Jesus taught them how to pray and heal…He taught them how to love and have compassion…He taught them how to serve others.


These men…they were ordinary people …just like me and you. And like many of us that choose to follow God….they didn’t get the full weight of the job they had been chosen to do at first either.  But after Jesus’ resurrection and transfiguration…they too were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to go out into the entire world and make enough disciples to change the face of the Christian church.


It is a great reminder to me….just one more ordinary person…that God has great plans for those that He saves. He will fill us with the same Holy Spirit….teach us how to love and serve others….give us the same power to heal and cast out demons….and make disciples of others that we see each day.  God can build my faith as strong as Peter’s and John the Baptist’s and every other Bible great I read about each night. I just have to make sure that my heart stays pure…that I follow only Him and block out as much of the evil in the world as I can.


Father….thank you for the reminder that once I accept your love into my heart and repent of my sins…your sacrifice of blood washes away the pieces of the world that keeps me from being your obedient servant. Forgive me for the times that I have doubted the power I could have in my life because I let too much of the world seep into the heart Good was preparing to work only for Him. Help me to listen to the soft still voice inside of me so that you can help me overcome the temptations that bombard my spirit each day. Amen.

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