Friday, May 3, 2013

Do You Have Callouses On Your Heart?

2 Samuel 11:25-27 - Then David said unto the messenger, Thus shalt thou say unto Joab, Let not this thing displease thee, for the sword devoureth one as well as another: make thy battle more strong against the city, and overthrow it: and encourage thou him.  And when the wife of Uriah heard that Uriah her husband was dead , she mourned for her husband.  And when the mourning was past , David sent and fetched her to his house, and she became his wife, and bare him a son. But the thing that David had done displeased the LORD.


David had sent his men to battle and stayed home….and one evening…taking  a stroll on the roof…he allowed satan to tempt him with lustful thoughts of a beautiful woman who was bathing on her roof.  He let his lust become full blown adultery with Bathsheba…got her pregnant...then killed her husband to cover his sin. Then he took Bathsheba into his home as yet another wife…and welcomed yet another son into his family.


This man with God’s own heart was far from perfect…for he let his sedentary lifestyle become an easy target for Satan to begin to control his thinking. The Bible does not record a reason for his first sin…staying home from battle….but it does record the progression of sins that David wove to cover his affair with Bathsheba. Satan took such control of his heart like God…that it began to grow a thick callous…that kept him from recognizing the cover up as sin.  Each new sin put another layer of satan’s cold attitude toward the commands of God…until David was controlled fully by the callouses on his heart…not the true heart of God that existed underneath.


We’ve all been there….in some way…..we have let a sin enter into our heart…and acted on it….then covered it with another sin…and covered that one with yet another.  We have allowed the lies of satan to build such a callous over the heart that we gave to God…till we believe our own lies and have no remorse for any of the sins that we commit.  And now we live the lie daily….allowing satan to control the heart of God that is covered and calloused by so much sin.


This story reminds me to stop and do an inventory of my actions of late….and consider if I have allowed satan to put any fresh callouses on my own heart.  My heart will never be entirely immune to satan’s lies until I get to live with God in heaven. I need to take his pumice stone...the Bible…and let it scrub those callouses right off my heart…so it can soak up the pure love of God…and keep my heart beating in rhythm with his own.  I need to spend more time in prayer…asking God to wash me clean of any new sins…and give me discernment to see God’s direction for my life.


Jesus himself warned us while he was here on Earth…for this story of David’s brush with sin …must not have packed enough punch to speak to all our hearts.  He could foresee the grip that evil would have on the world…so he allowed Matthew to record his words of warning and direction in Matthew 24:12-13…. “Because evil will grow, most people's love will grow cold.  But the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”


Father…I thank you for the reminder this morning that I am not immune from the lies of satan… that if followed…will build callouses on my heart that belongs to you.  Help me Lord to stop each day and consider my actions….and ask you to scrub any callouses off my heart that keep me from exposing the sin that you want to remove from my life.  Help me keep the heart beating inside me….a heart that desires to follow only you…even when the road you ask me to walk is not easy.  Expose the lies of Satan that tempt me to commit that first sin….and reveal to my heart the scripture that will make satan flee in defeat.  Remove every callous from  my heart…so it will be easier to feel the love you place inside it. Amen.

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