Saturday, February 22, 2014

Thanking God Builds Your Faith

Psalm 92:12-15 - But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon.  For they are transplanted into the LORD's own house. They flourish in the courts of our God.  Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.  They will declare, "The LORD is just! He is my rock! There is nothing but goodness in him!"


The writer of this Psalm reminds us to praise God morning and evening. Every morning we are to say thank you to God for his kindness.  Every evening we are to rejoice and say thanks for his faithfulness to us.  We are to thank him for the miracles he has done and for the strength he gives us to survive the times he allows satan to tempt us.


Giving God thanks on a regular basis develops an attitude of gratitude that becomes a major part of our lives. It produces an inner joy that helps us keep positive in all circumstances. It increases our ability to love. We become more gracious toward others…and begin to understand what the word humble is all about.


It is a great comfort to know that as I get older….I can actually get stronger. I have been transplanted into God’s own temple…and he will help me flourish as the physical parts of my body begin to fail. He will replace the weakened earthly flesh with his eternal goodness…and I will still be able to work for him until the day he calls me home to Heaven.


Father…thank you fro reminding me that I do not have to depend on this earthly shell you provided for me to walk here on earth.  You are constantly replacing what I see as an imperfection with eyes that can see your perfect vision of who you made me to be.  Help me to thank you every morning for all that you have done…and praise you each evening for helping me through one more day.  Strengthen me as I grow even older…so I can be like Paul…and Moses…and Abraham…full of faith and love for others. Amen.

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