Thursday, September 18, 2014

Be careful What You Believe

Jeremiah 28:7-9 -  But listen now to the solemn words I speak to you in the presence of all these people.  The ancient prophets who preceded you and me spoke against many nations, always warning of war, famine, and disease.  So a prophet who predicts peace must carry the burden of proof. Only when his predictions come true can it be known that he is really from the LORD."


A man named Hananiah….who claimed to be a prophet of God….rose up and gave the people words of hope.  His words promised that the captivity they would suffer would only last 2 years…and the holy things taken from the Temple would all be returned.


The words were wonderful words…and even Jeremiah wished they were true.  But Jeremiah wisely reminded him ….in the presence of the people ….that no one had proof he was telling the truth until his words came true.  Since God wasn’t there to confirm them…they would all just have to wait and see.


It wasn’t long before Jeremiah’s doubts were confirmed and God gave him a message for the false prophet Hananiah.  God had not sent him.  His words were all lies.  Hananiah would die as a punishment for bringing false hope to a people that God had other plans for.


The lesson for me this morning is to be very careful with what others say to me.  Though many may offer advice and wisdom….not all people have been given these words from God. There is nothing wrong with wanting someone’s words to be true….but sometimes only time will reveal the truth of the matter. I need to always take the advice I am given and place it before God….to ask him to confirm it…or help me see its falsehoods.


Father…thank you for the reminder to be careful with the advice I receive from others.  Forgive me for the times that I have not spent time checking what they have said with you…and moved to fast into what I thought was the right thing to do.  Help me to always stop and pray….and seek confirmation through your word for any plans I make for my future. Show me …like you did…Jeremiah…what is the truth quickly so I can always stay in the center of your will.  Amen.

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