Saturday, April 19, 2014

Praise God With Your Whole Being....Times Infinity!

Psalm 148:1-6 -  Praise ye the LORD.   Praise ye the LORD from the heavens:  praise him in the heights.    Praise ye him, all his angels:  praise ye him, all his hosts.    Praise ye him, sun and moon:  praise him, all ye stars of light.    Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.    Let them praise the name of the LORD:  for he commanded, and they were created.   He hath also stablished them for ever and ever:  he hath made a decree which shall not pass. 


This anonymous Psalm tells everyone…rich poor….woman ….man……water….creatures small and creatures large to praise the God.  What a wonderful reminder to give credit to the one who orchestrated a way for all of us to live together and understand our individual roles in keeping this world he created the best it can be.


It reminded me this morning of a favorite routine during Sunday worship at the church where I grew up.  We would sing a simple doxology…every Sunday as the full offering plates were being brought to the front of the church. The simple words….Praise God from whom all blessings flow….praise him all creatures here below….praise him above all heavenly hosts…praise father son and Holy Ghost. Amen.


Sometimes…we just need to praise God for being God.  Sometimes we just need to let him know we love him and are thankful for everything he has done …good…or bad…throughout our lives.   Sometimes…we just need to give credit to the God that put this whole world we live in together.


It reminds me to that I am just a small part …one individual ….one piece of the great design that makes the world go round.  If I fail to do my part…if I fail to discover what God placed me here to do….something will be missing for someone else. Perhaps the blessing God had planned for me …will go to someone else that he urges to take over my job. 


It also reminds me to remember what praise truly is…a warm expression of approval…an admiration of a God that is so amazing that no one will ever truly know the depth of his love for us.  The deepest praise exalts God above all other creatures.  The deepest praise puts God first…before anything else.


Father…thank you for the reminder this morning that I need to consider the level of praise I give you each day.  Forgive me for the times that I fail to give you credit for the things you have done. Help me to deepen my understanding of who you truly are…and thank you for orchestrating this wonderful world you have allowed me to be a part of for the last 55 years.  Amen.

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