Monday, July 27, 2015

Agree To Disagree...Then Respect Others Feelings

Romans 14:14-16 - But if someone believes it is wrong, then he shouldn’t do it because for him it is wrong. And if your brother is bothered by what you eat, you are not acting in love if you go ahead and eat it. Don’t let your eating ruin someone for whom Christ died.  Don’t do anything that will cause criticism against yourself even though you know that what you do is right.


Paul discusses unity in a way that steps on everyone toes…and feet. Instead of speaking to the pride that pushes us to prove to others that we are right…he speaks to the humility that we should have to let things go the way of least resistance. Paul isn’t talking the big stuff here…stuff like adultery and murder…and burglary….those things are against the 10 commandments.  Paul is talking about the way we interpret things…like smoking….drinking….what clothes are proper….or what music is appropriate.


Paul spends a great deal of time discussing how we are individuals…God will judge each of us separate. He to worry about ourselves…and stop screaming and shouting and arguing about it.  Then he adds the humble piece of the pie and says don’t do anything if it would cause another Christian to lose faith….even if we know in our heart…and can find evidence in the Bible that we are right.


I am pretty sure I have confessed this before…but I had a problem with drinking a while back. Alcohol for me was a comfort...a way to socialize with people that didn’t argue with me about a family budget…or how much in debt my first husband and I were in. I drank for the wrong reasons…and God told me to stop…so I did.  I could never pick up another drink…and it is very hard for me to be around it. I have to pray for strength to stay away from it.


BUT…I can’t tell others what to do with alcohol…God gets to do that.  I can share my testimony…how it is wrong for me…even find Bible verses that support my decision not to drink. Others can find verses that show that even Jesus drank wine….and a glass with dinner or friends is absolutely allowed. All we accomplish by arguing is discord…bitterness….even hate if we take the argument far enough. I would drive people away from God if I argued and demanded that all drinking was wrong.


Bottom line is that Paul says that the mature Christian knows when to fold.  If we believe that drinking is okay…then we have to not drink around those that believe it is wrong…so they can’t criticize.  If we believe that smoking is okay….be respectful of those that believe it is wrong.  If what I am wearing is offensive to someone around me…than I shouldn’t wear it around them anymore.  I need to be strong in the faith…and show my love for them by being sensitive to their needs.


Father...thank you for the reminder that humility is a big part of getting along with others that don’t agree with all that I believe.  Forgive me for judging others that have not been convicted by you of the same things you have convicted me of.  Help me to let Paul’s words of love and unity sink deep into my soul…so that I can be more loving to others that need your love.  Amen.

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