Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Don't Speak To Sin Before You Ask God For His Perfect Words Of Love

Romans 1:25-27 -  Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they prayed to the things God made, but wouldn’t obey the blessed God who made these things. That is why God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.


Paul was writing a letter to the Christians at Rome….whom he had not met yet. He knew that one of the things they faced daily was the culture that had developed in that city for all kinds of sexual sin. He needed to denounce the practice of these things and clearly let them know the penalty if they chose to continue to be a part of these things not supported by the scripture that they had at that time.


I love the way Paul presents the truth to these people.  His words are dripping with love…not hate and anger.  He presents the plan God created for them….tells why they started doing these things in the first place…why God allows it to continue…then states the great penalty for continuing to practice these sexual sins and justify them as normal.


I couldn’t help but see our world mirrored in these descriptions of what these Romans were doing.  My heart was reminded that so many people are engaged in many of the same activities…calling them normal choices they were born to live out. American government has actually reached the point that these things have been declared legal. But the Bible is very clear here.  God created a man…then he created a woman….his plan was to allow them companionship...helpers to life…  He created their two different bodies so that intimacy between them would create a child to populate and raise up people for God to have a relationship with.


I have some friends that feel that these alternate partner choices are their right and God condones it….even created them to live that way. I taught a lot of students that are involved in these lifestyles.   I hope I can be as loving as Paul when I am given a chance to present what the Bible says….so they will want to listen…so the truth can seep down into their hearts and they can be free of the chain that makes them believe anything else could bring them the happiness that God could give them if they let these thoughts go.


I have heard many arguments of why they choose the same sex relationships. They all reflect a past that was abusive with the opposite sex….or a younger dating relationship that was hurtful…or some just say they felt no sexual drive with what God created as his plan. They never see the final seed that satan plants in their heart to give them the courage to cross over to what the Bible clearly says is a sin….never feeling the wrong…never understanding how far they will drift from the truth.


I am driven this morning to pray for all of us….those of us that shout hateful messages of you will die and go to hell…those that love the person…but clearly let them know that homosexual practices do not glorify or make God happy with us….and those that are too fearful to ever discuss the subject with anyone.  There is another side…the ones who have chosen homosexual partners are just as eloquent in speaking their justifications…some even find passages in the Bible to support what they have chosen.  They also have those that shout hateful comments to those that try to approach them…call us hypocrites.  They have those that love despite the hurtful words hurled at them.  And some just cower and never even let the world know what they are thinking in their hearts.


Father…thank you for reminding me that I am to love the person that you created...and run far away from the sin that has entangled so many people in our world today. Forgive me for the times that I have driven someone farther from choosing life with you because I have presented your truth in an unloving and hypocritical way.  Help me to be like Paul…and ask you for the perfect words of love to help each person tricked into sin to see the truth of how it will ultimately destroy what life they have. Amen.

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