Thursday, July 9, 2015

It's A Personal Choice

Acts 24:24-25 - A few days later Felix came with Drusilla, his legal wife, a Jewess. Sending for Paul, they listened as he told them about faith in Christ Jesus. And as he reasoned with them about righteousness and self-control and the judgment to come, Felix was terrified. “Go away for now,” he replied, “and when I have a more convenient time, I’ll call for you again.”


Felix…the Roman Governor at the time…. had put Paul back in Prison until the garrison commander could help paint a clearer picture of what had happened to make the Jews so angry. He visited one day with his wife…and Paul shared the gospel with him. Paul must have hit quite the nerve…so to speak….for Felix was not only terrified…but left saying he would call for him later.


Two years went by …and not one call from this Governor was made to hear more about the gospel…to ask Paul about salvation…or baptism.  He left that day knowing full well that he had no intentions of asking God to be a part of his life.  He left Paul in jail for 2 more years so he did not have to hear or deal with his convictions.


This story reminds me that we all have two choices when it comes to the gospel. We can let its conviction wash over our souls and lead us to repentance…or we can block its truth from our souls and run away from it. We can let the power of God convict and wash away the sin that causes us concern….or we can justify what are doing and continue to let it destroy our lives.


One other thought. We are not responsible for the choices others make…we are only responsible for delivering the truth of it. Paul did his part…he presented the gospel to this man. He accepted that he had given him the truth and then left the choice up to Felix. Felix was the only one who had the power to let the principles and doctrine of God transform his life into his own dynamic walk with Christ.


We live in a world overrun with Felix type personalities these days. We are called to lovingly explain the doctrine of salvation then let go as Paul did…letting them make their own choice to follow God or continue to live in the world. We are not to berate them…or hate them for their choice…we are to pray for them. Jesus told us in Matthew 19:26…when his disciples were confused about the rich young ruler who had made a choice much like Felix…. “But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”


Father…thank you for the reminder that you love all of us so much that you gave your son to give us the gift of salvation….and to accept it is a personal choice. Forgive me for the times that I have tried to force my beliefs and views on others.  Help me instead learn to be like Paul…to share the truth in love and then sit back and pray for you to move in the lost souls’ spirit. Amen.

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