Friday, July 10, 2015

Our Problems May Be Opportunities In Disquise

Acts 25:10-13 -  But Paul replied, “No! I demand my privilege of a hearing before the emperor himself. You know very well I am not guilty. If I have done something worthy of death, I don’t refuse to die! But if I am innocent, neither you nor anyone else has a right to turn me over to these men to kill me. I appeal to Caesar.” Festus conferred with his advisors and then replied, “Very well! You have appealed to Caesar, and to Caesar you shall go!”


Paul was called before the new Governor Festus…and given another opportunity to speak. Fetus wanted to please the Jews and had no problem letting Paul be released to go to Jerusalem…even though he knew that meant sure death for Paul.   But Paul clung to life by stating his Roman right to a trial in Caesar’s court at Rome.


Paul also knew that a trip to Jerusalem meant death for him…no doubt an ambush on the way…so the leaders would be rid of him for good. He saw the trip to Rome as one more opportunity to share the gospel of Christ. Even as a prisoner he would have an audience. Paul wasn’t focus on himself…and somehow getting out of jail….Paul was focus on how to she=ae the gospel with as many people as he could before God called him to his final home in Heaven.


What a great reminder that our problems seem to fade when we keep our focus on God’s will for our life.  Paul knew that God had called him to preach.  It did not matter where…he let God decide that for him. He did not see Caesar as a last resort to freedom…but a new opportunity to witness in Rome.


I admit that sure have a lot of growing in Christ to be as mature as Paul. And maybe it is a stretch to think that your next doctor’s visit for something serious could be a way for you to witness to a non-believer.  Perhaps it is a radical thought to believe that the troubles you are experiencing are a way for God to reveal you to someone that needs to learn about His love. Maybe some of our problems are opportunities to witness in disguise.


Father...thank you for the reminder that all things happen for the good of those that love the Lord. Forgive me for making life more about me so many times…and failing to see the opportunities that God made be giving someone else to hear about Him.  Help me to have the spirit and resolve of Paul…that even in prison or horrible circumstances…I can see the situation as an opportunity to share your love.  Amen.

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