Monday, July 6, 2015

God Is My BFF Forever

Acts 20:24 - But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.


Paul had stopped quickly in Ephesus to say goodbye to his dear friends …sisters and brothers in the faith. He was compelled by the Holy Spirit to be in Jerusalem for the Pentecost celebration…but counted these believers among his closest friends. He must have felt some urgency from the Spirit s well for the end of his earthly life….for he told these believers that he would not ever see them again.


In the middle of his speech to them…he tucked in this bold statement of his single mindedness. Paul knew that nothing else mattered if Christ were not at the center of his life. Paul knew that his contentment came from obedience of the ministry task God had given him to do. Paul felt a deep joy because he counted Christ his BBF forever.


What a great reminder that I should seek to be as single-minded as he. My faith will only be as strong and bold as Paul’s when I open up my heart fully to the Holy Spirit…listen carefully to its direction…and let it lead me to the deepest waters …where my Spirit is fed so completely that I am able to discern the tasks God has called me to complete here on earth. I love Hillsong’s …Oceans…Where Feet May Fall. It helps put Pauls’ words here in complete perspective.


Back in the Old Testament there is an account of a vision Ezekiel had.  He kept wading into the river at deeper and deeper levels. It eventually got so deep that he could not cross.  That is the way our faith develops…bit by bit we are called to deeper waters…till we have to trust God completely so we can swim. My problem is that I keep turning back…too scared to go into the deepest of waters. I have been up to my neck a few times…but it took too much work…and my flesh convinced me to stop...planting seeds of doubt and discouragement.  I needed a dose of Paul’s great encouragement…to keep on even when it is hard…to keep wading and get in the deepest waters where God will show me how easy it is for me to rise above the water and walk on it like Peter.


Father…thank you for the reminder this morning that my faith has too many borders.  Forgive me for the times that I have turned back from the full commitment that Paul modeled for me.  Help me to pray for God to enlarge my territory like Jabez…deepen my faith like Ezekiel …and walk on the toughest of waters like Peter. Amen.



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