Tuesday, February 9, 2016

God's Way Is Not Always The Easiest...Shortest Route

Exodus 13: 17-18 - Then it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, “Lest perhaps the people change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt.”  So God led the people around by way of the wilderness of the Red Sea. And the children of Israel went up in orderly ranks out of the land of Egypt.

God had told them to consecrate and remember the freedom he had given them with a 7 day observance. They were to leave the leaven out of their bread for the full 7 days. They should spend time remembering the haste in which they left Egypt…and the way God had protected their firstborn from the same fate as the Egyptians. The story should be told each year as they took time to consecrate this week of time to God and make sure their children all knew the story of their deliverance.

Then they began to travel …led by day with a pillar of cloud…protected at night with a pillar of fire. God did not take them the shortest route. He took them through wilderness towards the red sea. He knew their hearts were thankful for the freedom he had given them…but as the reality of travel and few provisions for travel along the way sank in…he knew that many would begin to think that leaving was a mistake.  Their lives were rough there…but predictable… they always had food…never needed to fight for life.

It is a reminder to me that God knows best...even when his plan does not always seem best to our human heart. Our flesh gets in the way…its selfish tendrils seeking to weaken the faith we have in God to provide for us in all situations. I struggle with these tendrils of selfish pride every day….most people never seeing or hearing the thoughts that God hears even before I voice them myself. Some of them kept me from writing yesterday…the first time in many months that I did not sit down and let God speak through his word.  God knows my excuses… none of which gave me any real reasons to shirk my time with him.

Here is what amazes me the most about my weakness.  God woke me up this morning anyway…with a second chance to start my day with him. He even provided a thin blanket of snow that canceled the days scheduled activities…and a cold enough temperature to keep me leery of trying to travel till I am sure the roads are safe. 

Father…thank you for the reminder that nothing is more important than spending time with you. Forgive me for the times that I let my selfish thoughts and pride from seeking your wisdom and truth.  Help me to trust you fully…even when my human logic sends red flags to my weak heart.  Strengthen me with your spirit so that I may take the road that you choose…even when it looks longer and harder than I think I can stand. Amen.

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