Monday, May 19, 2014

Let God Mend Your Mirror

Proverbs 27:19-21 - As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the person.  Just as Death and Destruction are never satisfied, so human desire is never satisfied.  Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but a person is tested by being praised.


Tucked into chapter 27 is the reminder that our hearts are the true mirror of who we are.  Who we are deep down is what God sees when he looks at us….we should take every effort to guard its purity and innocence.   


Maybe that is what God meant when he said that we needed to have faith as a child.  The heart we had before the world laid its hurts and tragedies upon it.  The child that still believed what their parents told them and loved unconditionally everyone that came into their world.


That us really what powered Jesus to walk this earth in 30 short years and never turn from the mission his father had given him.  It was his childlike faith that powered the love that drew all to love him and follow him everywhere he went.


God is the only one who can remove the pieces of the world that have cracked our mirror. He can melt the pieces back together and form a heart that is able to love just like he did. We just have to ask and believe… then keep believing as the world tries to break our mirror…our heart again.



Father…thank you for the reminder that my heart needs continual mending from your powerful love to stay in a condition that you can use to help change the world. Help me to recognize quickly when my heart gets cracked from the worlds blows…and stop and let you mend it quickly so it doesn’t lose all the love you pour into it daily.  Amen.

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