Monday, July 21, 2014

Discipline Is Good....Use It To Learn How To Do It Right

Isaiah 27:7-9 -  Has the LORD punished Israel in the same way he has punished her enemies? No, for he devastated her enemies,  but he has punished Israel only a little. He has exiled her from her land as though blown away in a storm from the east.  The LORD did this to purge away Israel's sin. When he has finished, all the pagan altars will be crushed to dust. There won't be an Asherah pole or incense altar left standing.


Many of Isaiah’s messages gave warnings to the Jewish people to turn from the sin in their life and worship only God. God punished them greatly when they did not listen…even giving them second and third chances to change their ways. This message also included just how serious it was for those that did not know Christ at all….who lived in sin continually…and drew his people to worship false Gods and idols. Those places had been completely destroyed…no one left. 


Someone must have complained that their punishment was unjust…harsh…a little too undeserving.  For Isaiah takes the time to make a stark comparison between the two groups of people.  Punishment… harsh as it may have been…was a far less thing than death. Punishment….undeserving as each Jew felt it was….brought a way for them to stop sinning...and come back to God for one of those second …or third chances.


I can’t help but think back to raising my own children. As bad as life gets for them some days…cause nobody is perfect…how much worse their lives would be if I had never disciplined them?  Sometimes I think I was way too soft on them….and didn’t discipline them enough. But when I look at some of the lesson I know they learned…I know I didn’t drop the ball completely.


That’s how it is with God’s love.  We go off on a track by ourselves and lose our way…and he steps in with a lesson…sometimes devastating….to get our attention.  We either gripe and whine…even get angry and bitter …or change our tune quickly and get back on track.


We could be like Jonah….who accepted his call to preach…but did not like where he was sent to deliver the message of God.  He ran…hid on a ship…got tossed overboard…and swallowed by a fish.  (Read Jonah 1 for the unabridged version.)God left him there three days before he relented and obeyed. OR…we could be like Paul….who got way off track…even to the point of killing the very Christians that he was supposed to be worshiping with. (Look at Acts 9 for the whole story.) He definitely got the point quickly…and got to work correcting his mistake…even for the rest of his life.


The point to both of these stories is that even though God disciplined them...they both got the point and became willing vessels of God to spread the gospel.  At times I have mirrored the personality of both…and even though I have never murdered another Christian…I may as well of given those I did not share  the gospel of God with…. a death sentence.


Father…thank you for reminding me that discipline is good.  Thank you for providing times that I had to stop and rethink my walk with you.  Forgive me for the times I have been like Jonah… and ran…or just plain covered my ears to your will.  Forgive me for the times that I kept my mouth shut…and di dnot share your love with others.  Please God if it is not too late…and any of those people I let slip through the cracks has a chance to be saved….let someone…even me cross their paths…so they can learn about you…so I can even do it right this time.  Amen.

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